Results for 'Marten J. den Uyl'

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  1.  35
    The essential opacity of modular systems: Why even connectionism cannot give complete formal accounts of cognition.Marten J. den Uyl - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (1):56-57.
  2. Adam Smith on Friendship and Love.Jr: Douglas J. Den Uyl and Charles L. Griswold - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (3):609-638.
    THE CENTRALITY OF "SYMPATHY" to Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments points to the centrality of love in the book. While Smith delineates a somewhat unusual, technical sense of "sympathy", his actual use of the term frequently slips into its more ordinary sense of "compassion" or affectionate fellow feeling. This no doubt intentional equivocation on Smith's part helps suffuse the book with these themes, to the point that, without much exaggeration, one could say that the Theory of Moral Sentiments is (...)
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  3.  18
    The Fountainhead: An American Novel.Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1999 - Macmillan Reference USA.
    Ayn Rand's 1943 masterpiece, The Fountainhead is the story of Howard Roark, an architect of enormous talent who turns down one lucrative commission after another because they would force him to modify his designs and compromise his integrity, but in spite of his refusals, or perhaps because of them, he goes on to triumph over many obstacles and establish himself as a master. Douglas Den Uyl's new study, The Fountainhead: An American Novel, is the first volume to exclusively explore Rand's (...)
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  4.  21
    Liberty and Nature: An Aristotelian Defense of Liberal Order.Douglas B. Rasmussen & Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1991 - Open Court Publishing Company.
    Aristotle's way of thinking has normally been understood as hostile to any liberal, pluralistic, or commercial society. In Liberal Nature, Rasmussen and Den Uyl set out to show that the Aristotelian approach to ethics supports the natural rights which form the most secure basis for liberal principles. The authors lay the foundations for their thesis by rebutting the most prominent arguments against the Aristotelian approach; they then offer a new interpretation for Aristotelian ethics as a natural-end ethics in which human (...)
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    Passion, state, and progress: Spinoza and mandeville on the nature of human association.Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1987 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 (3):369-395.
  6.  20
    Retreat from Liberalism: Human Capabilities and Public Reasoning.Douglas J. Den Uyl & Douglas B. Rasmussen - 2009 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 15 (1).
    Central to Amartya Sen's understanding and defense of political orders that promote equality is his appeal to human capabilities. However, he fails to provide a basis for their selection, weighting, and value. Moreover, the account of ethical reasoning by which he does attempt to respond to basic challenges is highly problematic. It not only conflicts with a view of human flourishing that is individualized, agent-relative, and self-directed but also offers neither justification for nor principled limitation of state imposed solutions.
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    Reality, Reason, and Rights: Essays in Honor of Tibor R. Machan.Douglas B. Rasmussen, Aeon J. Skoble & Douglas J. Den Uyl (eds.) - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    This collection of essays seeks to explore Tibor R. Machan’s philosophical ideas by considering some of the basic issues with which he has been concerned throughout his long and highly productive career.
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    Science and Justice in Leibniz’s Political Thought.Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1978 - New Scholasticism 52 (3):317-342.
  9.  42
    The aristocratic principle in the political philosophy of Leibniz.Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (3):281-292.
  10.  84
    Adam Smith on Friendship and Love.Douglas J. Den Uyl & Charles L. Griswold Jr - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (3):609 - 637.
  11. Sociality and Social Contract: A Spinozistic perspective - Zusammenfassung.Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1985 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 1:50.
  12. Sociality and Social Contract: A Spinozistic perspective - Bibliography.Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1985 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 1:48.
  13. The ethics of advertising.Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1988 - In Tibor R. Machan, Commerce and morality. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield.
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  14. Shaftesbury and the Modern Problem of Virtue.Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1998 - Social Philosophy and Policy 15 (1):275.
    Anthony Ashley Cooper, the Third Earl of Shaftesbury, was the grandson of the First Earl of Shaftesbury. The First Earl, along with John Locke, was a leader and founder of the Whig movement in Britain. Locke was the First Earl's secretary and also the tutor of the Third Earl. Both the First and Third Earls were members of parliament and supporters of Whig causes. Although both the First and Third Earls were involved in politics, the Third Earl is better known (...)
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  15.  57
    Friendship and transcendence.Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1997 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 41 (2):105-122.
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    12. The Fortune of Others: Adam Smith and the Beauty of Commerce.Douglas J. Den Uyl - 2017 - In Eugene Heath & Byron Kaldis, Wealth, Commerce, and Philosophy: Foundational Thinkers and Business Ethics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 241-262.
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  17.  88
    The Perfectionist Turn.Douglas J. Den Uyl & Douglas B. Rasmussen - 2013 - Social Philosophy and Policy 30 (1-2):69-94.
    This essay asks whether what is good for someone is distinct from her self-perfection, and whether it makes sense to understand either her good or her self-perfection in terms of the other. The essay adopts a traditional naturalistic understanding of perfection. It argues, however, that the conception of human nature that underlies the perfectionist view must be more individualistic than it is often taken to be. It goes on to distinguish individuative from generic features of human nature; because the account (...)
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  18. The Myth of Atomism.Douglas J. Den Uyl & Douglas B. Rasmussen - 2006 - Review of Metaphysics 59 (4):841-868.
    CHARLES TAYLOR, IN TWO IMPORTANT ESSAYS, offers both a refutation of what appears to be the foundations of liberalism as well as an alternative “third way” to the liberal-communitarian debate. In this paper we are broadly interested in the role of community within a liberal framework, and for that reason the Taylor essays are a useful way to begin such an exploration. There is, we believe, much in Taylor with which to agree. If liberalism somehow fails to accommodate any meaningful (...)
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  19.  86
    Ethical individualism, natural law, and the primacy of natural rights.Douglas J. Den Uyl & Douglas B. Rasmussen - 2001 - Social Philosophy and Policy 18 (1):34-69.
    Whether or not Strauss's observation is historically accurate, it does suggest two sets of questions for philosophical examination. (1) Is Strauss correct to view natural duties and natural rights as the same type of ethical concept? Do they serve the same function? Do they work on the same level, and are they necessarily in competition with each other? (2) Does saying that the individual human being is the center of the moral world require that one reject the idea of a (...)
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  20.  14
    Power, state, and freedom: an interpretation of Spinoza's political philosophy.Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1983 - Assen, The Netherlands: Van Gorcum.
  21. The New Crusaders: The Corporate Social Responsibility Debate.Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (5):384-424.
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  22. Teleology and agent-centeredness.Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1992 - The Monist 75 (1):14 - 33.
    In his book, The Rejection of Consequentialism, Samuel Scheffler ends his last chapter in the following way.
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  23.  32
    John Wisdom on philosophy and metaphysics.Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1976 - Man and World 9 (4):342-361.
  24.  22
    Norms of Liberty: A Perfectionist Basis for Non-Perfectionist Politics.Douglas B. Rasmussen & Douglas J. Den Uyl - 2005 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    How can we establish a political/legal order that in principle does not require the human flourishing of any person or group to be given structured preference over that of any other? Addressing this question as the central problem of political philosophy,_ Norms of Liberty_ offers a new conceptual foundation for political liberalism that takes protecting liberty, understood in terms of individual negative rights, as the primary aim of the political/legal order. Rasmussen and Den Uyl argue for construing individual rights as (...)
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  25. Epilogue : Recent work in business ethics, a survey and critique.Tibor R. Machan & Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1988 - In Commerce and morality. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield.
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  26. SPINOZA: "Tractatus Theologico-Politicus". [REVIEW]Douglas J. den Uyl - 1990 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 6:325.
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  27.  41
    Two Dogmas of Egalitarianism.Douglas B. Rasmussen & Douglas J. Den Uyl - 2020 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 26 (1).
    It is more than clear that in our previous works—Norms of Liberty and The Perfectionist Turn—we are opposing what is generally understood as egalitarianism in political philosophy. Our purpose here is to clarify our opposition by showing that our rejection of egalitarianism cannot be successfully accused of being inconsistent with morality itself. We believe that discussing what we call “two dogmas of egalitarianism” will go some distance in accomplishing that end. These “dogmas” can be stated as follows: (1) The burden (...)
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  28.  24
    Perfectionism, immanence, and transcendence.Douglas B. Rasmussen & Douglas J. Den Uyl - 2012 - In Jonathan A. Jacobs, Reason, Religion, and Natural Law: From Plato to Spinoza. , US: Oxford University Press.
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  29.  36
    Pluralism: Against the Demand for Consensus. [REVIEW]Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 48 (4):926-927.
    It could be said that the book considers consensus in two basic ways: cognitively and socially. The latter would include ethics, value theory, political philosophy, and communication. The former considers the role of consensus in seeking and understanding the truth and would thus include epistemology and science. In all cases, consensus is a form of agreement. In the epistemological realm it emerges as some form of shared understanding, while in the social we see it as like-mindedness regarding procedures or principles. (...)
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  30. The chief inducement? The idea of marriage as friendship.Ruth Abbey & Douglas J. Den Uyl - 2001 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 18 (1):37–52.
    A combination of social forces has thrown marriage into question in westernised societies at the end of the millennium. This uncertainty creates space for new ways of thinking about marriage. In this context, we examine the idea of marriage as friendship. We trace its genealogy in the work of Mary Wollstonecraft, John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor and then subject it to critical scrutiny using some of Michel de Montaigne’s ideas. We ask how applic- able the ideal of higher friendship (...)
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  31.  22
    On Grounding Ethical Values in the Human Life Form.Douglas B. Rasmussen & Douglas J. Den Uyl - 2023 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 23 (1-2):328-340.
    Benjamin Lipscomb (The Women Are Up to Something) and Clare Mac Cumhaill and Rachel Wiseman (Metaphysical Animals) have written books discussing the same four women philosophers—Elizabeth Anscombe, Philippa Foot, Mary Midgley, and Iris Murdoch—and their rise to prominence in the almost exclusively male-dominated academies of Oxford and Cambridge universities. This review focuses on these philosophers’ intellectual contributions, with special attention given to the Aristotelian character of their views in the face of an opposing philosophical regimen. We conclude with a brief (...)
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    Recent Work in Business Ethics: A Survey and Critique.Tibor R. Machan & Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1987 - American Philosophical Quarterly 24 (2):107-124.
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  33.  35
    Between Universalism and Skepticism. [REVIEW]Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (1):150-151.
    This book is a clearly presented and, within its frame of discourse, a well argued effort to do precisely what its descriptive title suggests. The first two chapters attack universalism in ethics in both its intuitionist and respect-for-persons forms. The teleological alternatives of rule utilitarianism and contractarianism are considered in the following chapter. There is no chapter devoted specifically to skepticism, but the author endeavors to show throughout how his theory steers clear of that alternative.
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  34. Norms of liberty : Challenges and prospects.Douglas B. Rasmussen & Douglas J. Den Uyl - 2008 - In Aeon J. Skoble, Reading Rasmussen and Den Uyl: Critical Essays on Norms of Liberty. Lexington Books.
  35.  82
    The Right to Welfare and the Virtue of Charity.Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1993 - Social Philosophy and Policy 10 (1):192-224.
    As each individual abandons himself to the solicitous aid of the State,so, and still more, he abandons to it the fate of his fellow-citizens.Wilhelm Von Humboldt,On the Limits of State Action.
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  36.  44
    Commentary on Sterba.Douglas B. Rasmussen & Douglas J. Den Uyl - 2011 - Journal of Social Philosophy 42 (4):416-427.
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  37.  12
    Individualist Ethics And The Welfare State. [REVIEW]Douglas Den Uyl - 2001 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 3 (5):109-115.
    DOUGLAS J. DEN UYL expresses agreement with David Kelley's thesis in A Life of One's Own that the welfare state is not a good thing both for moral reasons and for its practical consequences. But the relationship between the moral and the political is more ambiguous than might first be imagined. The main questions explored are twofold: Is Kelley presupposing the truth of his own position in criticizing another and does this alter the presentation from argument to rhetoric?; and secondly, (...)
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  38.  82
    Reply to Peter E. Vedder, "Self-Directedness and the Human Good" (Fall 2007): Defending Norms of Liberty.Douglas J. Den Uyl & Douglas B. Rasmussen - 2008 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 10 (1):235 - 238.
    This essay is a response to Peter E. Vedder's Fall 2007 review of the authors' book, Norms of Liberty: A Perfectionist Basis for Non-Perfectionist Politics. Vedder argues that the authors 1) have a Kantian notion of self-directedness, and 2) are inconsistent in the application of their philosophical anthropology to their view of political liberty. In denying both claims, the authors assert that Vedder both fails to define certain terms and holds them to positions they do not accept.
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  39.  15
    Should Cigarette Advertising Be Banned?Douglas J. Den Uyl & Tibor R. Machan - 1988 - Public Affairs Quarterly 2 (4):19-30.
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    Virtues of the Mind. [REVIEW]Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1998 - Review of Metaphysics 51 (3):728-730.
  41. BLACKWELL: "The Spinozistic Ethics of B. Russell". [REVIEW]Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1988 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 4:434.
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  42. SPRIGGE: "The Significance of Spinoza's Determinism". [REVIEW]Douglas J. Den Uyl - 1989 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 5:411.
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    Norms of Liberty: A Perfectionist Basis for Non-Perfectionist Politics - By Douglas B. Rasmussen and Douglas J. Den Uyl.Martin Benjamin - 2007 - Philosophical Books 48 (1):92-93.
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  44.  55
    Recent Work on the Concept of Happiness.Douglas Den Uyl & Tibor R. Machan - 1983 - American Philosophical Quarterly 20 (2):115-134.
    The first part of this project deals with the more recent historical discussions of the topic, Most of which focus on the views of aristotle and j s mill. These two authors turn out to be the focus of attention of most writers who wish to consider the major historical reflections on happiness, Ones that have shaped our thinking on the topic. The second part of this project deals with contemporary original thinking about happiness. Yet here, Too, The major themes (...)
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  45. Douglas J. Den Uyl's The Virtue of Prudence. [REVIEW]David Norton - 1992 - Reason Papers 17:167-173.
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    Rejoinder to Douglas J. Den Uyl and Douglas B. Rasmussen, "Defending Norms of Liberty" (Fall 2008): Difficulties in Norms of Liberty.Peter E. Vedder - 2008 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 10 (1):239 - 242.
    This rejoinder is a reply to the authors' criticisms of Vedder's original review of Norms of Liberty that seeks to clarify why the difficulties present in their attempt to establish the modern right to liberty on the foundation of Greek nobility and Aristotelian eudaemonism are insuperable.
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  47. Douglas B. Rasmussen and Douglas J. Den Uyl, Liberty and Nature: An Aristotelian Defense of Liberal Order Reviewed by.E. L. Williams - 1994 - Philosophy in Review 14 (2):128-130.
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    Reading Rasmussen and Den Uyl: Critical Essays on Norms of Liberty.Aeon J. Skoble (ed.) - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    The volume contains a reply essay by Rasmussen and Den Uyl.
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  49.  15
    Power, State and Freedom. An Interpretation ofSpinoza’s Political Philosophy. Van Gorcum, Assen, 1983. Douglas J. Den Uyl. [REVIEW]Koen Raes - 1984 - Philosophica 34.
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  50. Review of Douglas B. Rasmussen and Douglas J. Den Uyl's Liberty and Nature: An Aristotelian Defense of Liberal Order (1991). [REVIEW]David Gordon - 1994 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 11 (1):129-142.
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